Farm land loans are a must for anyone looking to start a farm or looking to own or rent any farm land. Knowing what questions to ask can make the process easier and can help you get the right loan for you.
According to Statista, the average farm size in 2019 was around 444 acres, an increase by 1 acre from 2018. Those numbers have continued to grow. If you are thinking of getting a farm loan, there are a few things that you need to ask your loan officer. The first is what sort of down payment you need. In most cases, a farm loan is going to have a lower interest rate and you are not necessarily going to need as large of a down payment as you would for a home. You need to get the exact, or as close as you can get, down payment figure so you can find out just what you need.
You also need to learn about the terms of the financing. You should take the time to talk with a loan officer about repayment, how you are expected to pay, the amount of the payments, and more. Learning about your financing before you take anything out can make a huge difference in the overall process of your farm land loans.
You also need to dedicate time to figure out what the minimum number of acres you need and want to finance is. This will help your lending officer figure out what sort of loan you require and can also help them determine interest rates. Talking with your lending officer before you get your loan in order can help you immensely figure out what your loan is going to look like.
Farm land loans are not all the same. What might work well for one person may not work for another. Taking the time to talk with your lender before you take out any money can make a big difference in the type of loan that you end up taking out and that ends up working for you. There are plenty of different loan options out there that can make a huge difference in your farm land loans experience. Reach out to AG Lending Group to learn more about the process today.